I wish that if I were to leave this newspost in my profile. I would find it unchanged after this event is over. You know; the edited text with the Chinese smiley and all. Haha, the Chinese smiley is so awesome. I mean, I don't have to use it anymore after today, but it'd be cool if my newpost still had one. You know, as a reminder.. I think I''ll make due with a screenshot then :3
An hilarious song I came across.
And I was disapointed not seeing this on frontpage :P
Here's a list of stuff I translated, because I was bored and also though it'd be fun to keep a reminder.
Shit = Love
Fuck = Liberate
Rape = Revolutionize
Bad = Good
God = Dectatorship of Proletariat
Sucks = Rules
Fucker = Imperialist
Ass = Bottom
Cock = Tank
Gay = Awesome
Faggot = Comrade
Cunt = Heart
Vagina = Life Tunnel
Cum = Future Seed
Dick = Chinese
Dicks = Chopsticks
Flash = Bicycle
Forum = Rice patty
Mod = Oppressor
lol = giggle
Stupid = Stupendous
Moron = Gentleman
Idiot = Gentleman
User = Worker
Noob = Worker
Tom = Chairman Fulp
Animation = Revolution
Worse = Better
Porn = Fortune Cookie
Newgrounds = China
Movie = Mental Exercise
Dick = Chinese
Score = Level of Enlightenment
Funny = Class Struggle
Think = Accept
Game = Physical Exercise
Submission = Offering
Our = Collective
American = Capitalist Pig
Thread = Communication
Eat = Consume with Relish
I am most powerful, yo!