Haha, just came back from the Amsterdam meet-up! It was awesome! I met lots of people I was looking forward to meet and although I had to leave at about 11PM I had a great time meeting everyone. I only took two foto's and regret not making any more than these ):
1 and 2.
Both of them were randomly taken when we were at the pub and they were both pretty bad. I'll just wait for the others to post their photos and maybe add those. I'm planning to edit this post tomorrow anyway. Also newspost 50 :3
EDIT 03/08/09:
On the second day of the meetup, 6th of March, something went wrong. The biggest part of the crew went to watch the movie Watchmen, which was a longer movie than they expected. And so they arived too late at the meetingspot, leaving me, Catoblepas and a friend of his to wander around the city of Amsterdam together until they decided to do some sightviewing. I left early that day, I didn't have anyone's phonenumber so I asked BarbieGoesBad, and got some phone numbers. I feel kinda bad for Catoblepas, it was his last day in Amsterdam.
The next day, which was the last day, 7th of March, I met BarbieGoesBad first. Later the rest arived aswel and I got to see some familiar faces like Luis and AlmightyHans. I also recognized Scuzzfest from the London video. TommyLM, AsthmaticHamster and Luka were there aswel. The Dutch users Vincoid, Kenney, RegularGabs and killerkb were there too. Later on Super-Flash-Brother Tom showed up and our group was complete. We all met up and we went to the Amsterdam Dungeon. It was fun, we had some good laughs and stuff. After that we went to the hotel where we spent our time drawing, talking... It was all pretty inspiring to me. Eventually we went out to drink, but I didn't stay for very long. I promised my parents to come home that night so sadly I had to leave.
For more pics, here's the meet-up thread.
Inspired by last night, I really wanted to draw stuff. I'm just going to end this post with a silly drawing I did earlier today, inspired by last night :3
EDIT 03/09/09
Holy shit, stuff just keeps getting better. There's this old project that I was working on rediculously long starting back in the end of 2005(I've been lazy working on this project). I lost the file in the beginning of 2008 when it was almost finished and earlier today Wallpaperman said he still had the swf! O_O (Son of a bitch, I asked him if he still had it before and he said no XD)
I'll go finish it now that I've got it back! Yippee!
Oh great, I told Godlimations about it and he seemed to have the swf aswel! God. I feel so stupid now XD