hey, l know uzumaki! well... i kinda read it, but i didn't like it that much. i dont usually like horror stories. uzumaki is a very gruesome one~~~ but i like it a little because it has CREATIVE deaths in it..... oh yeah....is your username realated to uzumaki? and try these mangas: inuyasha yugioh love hina negima!
oh yeah, dont think im a pervert, i just like love hina and negima because its kinda funny...
lol, I've been planning to read "Love Hina" before. Is "Love Hina Negima" different from regular "Love Hina?" Heh, I won't think you're a pervert just because you get a laugh from perverted stories. Personally I love those kind of stories(Golden Boy, Ichigo 100% etc).
You named a few pretty popular manga series for me to read. I will probably read a few volumes. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, and no. My username has nothing to do with this manga in particular.
hey, l know uzumaki! well... i kinda read it, but i didn't like it that much. i dont usually like horror stories. uzumaki is a very gruesome one~~~ but i like it a little because it has CREATIVE deaths in it..... oh yeah....is your username realated to uzumaki? and try these mangas: inuyasha yugioh love hina negima!
oh yeah, dont think im a pervert, i just like love hina and negima because its kinda funny...
lol, I've been planning to read "Love Hina" before. Is "Love Hina Negima" different from regular "Love Hina?" Heh, I won't think you're a pervert just because you get a laugh from perverted stories. Personally I love those kind of stories(Golden Boy, Ichigo 100% etc).
You named a few pretty popular manga series for me to read. I will probably read a few volumes. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, and no. My username has nothing to do with this manga in particular.