I saw that anime not that long ago
I saw the anime not too long ago, so I decided reviewing this.
You have a nice drawing style and your animation is running smooth. Pretty nice. I see you recreated the very first scene of the anime. Its pretty well done, but maybe you should try out something different than the recreation of an animescene, something longer too. With your skills you can make something better than this. I am very impressed by the gore in this animation. The characters are kind of simple although you did a very well job on the girls' hair.
There are some things you could work on. For example, the main difference between this and the anime is, that in the anime I can tell what was going on. Everything in your animation is going so fast, its hard to tell what exactly is happening. It seems like random violence because you cut out the dialogs.
And you should have added music. If possible from the Gunslinger Girl soundtrack. Music gives animation more of a reason. Its much easier for te watcher to understand a scene that way, even without speech.
I would have enjoyed this movie better if it wasnt done in madness style, but I guess I have the anime for that :3
Youll get my 8, good job!