Your best on Newgrounds till now(hehe). Way to go! Make more! Im working hard 2!
Your best on Newgrounds till now(hehe). Way to go! Make more! Im working hard 2!
hi.tell ur friends who have an acount on newgrounds to watch this and give me a review
you've got a real problem dude...
When the hell does he kill himself!?
I watched it till the end but shhesh it did take a long while! It did me think of a screensaver. Maybe, if you can make screensavers you should make one. It's to boring for flash, but good enough for a screensaver. however I still voted five.
I can't imagine some beter zelda movie then this! I'm a big fan of it, so this was fucking lol!
Hey it's me!
Hey! I have a message for the guys who are reading this. 3 before me have given a very bad and strange mark to this movie. This movie deserves mch beter. This flashproducer, my friend, is making very good fightingmovies. You should check them out! especially guardian fighter. Mike Day, how he is called here, has got an older flash then others so the backgrounds are not as wel, as must have, but I have respect for the way how he is making movies on such a troubled way. Maybe we go make 1 movie and send it two newgrounds! Your movie rocks!
i want a new version of flash but if i dont get one thats okay because this is good just for practicing
LOL this is the best pk ever!!! Much violence and I love the Matrix part! It's full of humor! When Neil's big hand gets in the popcorn of kirby. And:'Dodge this!' A bazooka. This is hilaric!!! Make a PK 4 I know you are going to do that. But I can't wait! I love you man!
You could beter call it wrath of the pointnosed 1. No just kidin his nose is a little long but I like the style and I imagine something good!
Alex: LOL and thats what I said!
Jess: Its my drawing.....(so i have a thing for long noses) LOL
Alex: Ok then ;).
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/21/03