haha! funny
Looks funny could be beter but i know what you mean. U didn't made it look bad for excident it's for the style ya got^^. I like it. Dunno why, does me think about sonic lol.
haha! funny
Looks funny could be beter but i know what you mean. U didn't made it look bad for excident it's for the style ya got^^. I like it. Dunno why, does me think about sonic lol.
You shouldn't make it so boring
Make it more interesting. Other then that, good movie:)
That's hard to achieve if I want to get as close to Max's voice as possible.
=)tnx man and i hope u keep makin ur kick ass music
There can not be beter flash for informing them!
For al bad flashproducers that pinked their tear, let this be a lesson. Don't let those poor flah die but let them live and care for whatyour making. Don't make a flash , done and vote 5. But have respect. Sorry I sound some holy. i mean you can beter make flash with thoughts in your head: Wow! I'm proud of myself! Think of it. I'm glad people like this live. I think I'm going to make something like this 2!!!
Great to hear I've inspired you!
Thanks whirlguy :D!
Yow whirlguy's here for personaly review!!!
I'm not really here to go review my great friend video, but kick the asses of the guys reviewing this video giving bad marks for no reason. So... let's start the complain! But thirst... Doetinchem is a place in the Netherlands.
1) Visualassasin / Has made no flash / voted 4 / complain: it's a decent flash, it's not based on your life. / Whirlguys response: Read the text before you write. further stands something about the flash "nobody's listening". Decent flash? yeah right! this is a stickfight in 3D! some of the best stickmovies I know!
2)berrypigvenis / no flash / voted 2 / complain: his grandma can make things like this beter fith her foot. / Whirlguy's response: Don't ever learn your other grandma to work wih flash! You emberace you and your grandma at the same time. Besides why could your grandma do this and you do not have anything.... of course!
2)KWAS71KCK / no flash / voted 3 / Complain: was not exciting, spend more time, make longer, maybe try on audio portal. / Whirlguy's respoce. You have got very good reasons for giving a low mark... MAYBE! Try make flash of yourself and try to EXCITE people before blamming. Most flashartists get lazy... don't blame them.Besides... the movie himself cost some longer then 5 minutes. And in that time you would make dirty, rotten, trashy crap that gets easily blammed right? RESPECT!!! Longer... That's something I think too personaly but for the second time... 5 minutes! Try on the audio portal... yeah the music is that good... I would not complain...ARE YOU NUTS!? DO YOU EVER READ THE COMMENDS OF THE ARTIST!?!?!? MY MY MY!!! ALL MY SONG!!! WHIRLGUYWHIRLGUYWHIRLGUY!!! MUSIC BY WHIRLGUY!!! if you ever like to see my art? check my profile... If you like me send me an email: joep2402@hotmail.com I relieved myself so thanx for reading my long long review.
Whirlguy himself...
I'm reviewing it 4 the answer of course sow...
The blammed flash says: coughes and says. 'You see the f on me?' The demon blinks his eye. 'Yeeaaheeaah...' blinks his eye again. 'fantastic, faccinating, fanhaving, funmaking... 'arupted by the demon: 'fate...' flash: 'what?' the demon kills the flash. end. Well what do you think?
LOTR sticks... can it be worse.
Dude your realy made me curious. I watched the movie and I though... oooooowk... The guys on the walls were with few and the were thin. The orcs were so thin that they looked they've never eaten meat. Hey wait a minute, thse are sticks. Wtf! Can't be. Dude, this movie looks good. To good for sticks. If you just don't do this with stick but real yeah REAL ANIMATED persons People like it.
This kick ass
Me and my friend are laughing out loud! The stupid looking guys were moving there mouth like they were eating shit. And then suddenly the guy with the guitar, The stretchneck and the guy with the telephone. I laughed shit out of me when I saw the guy with the creepy eyes zoomed in 2!
Ow, come on...
I can't believe this has got such a good score. The animations were very crappy. But... the idea to do this was good.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 10/21/03