Hahaha, I never expected something like this when you said you were going to remix one of Ronay's songs. Omfg! XD
Holy shit great job dude!
Hahaha, I never expected something like this when you said you were going to remix one of Ronay's songs. Omfg! XD
Holy shit great job dude!
Lol, thanks. :D
Hey there:3
Nice and laid back. Certainly not Drum&Bass, it's too easy going and doesn't have alot of bass. More like Ambient Electronic music with a bit of a Jungle feel to it. I love those crunchy beats and hollow sounding synths in the background. Very nice!
well the main lead is a bass synth, and the drums are fucking awesome...so what would you classify it as?
This song gets my groove on
Can't tell much.
First of these songs sound too familiar. these are the original mixes...
Second of, it's been mixed out of sync.
Third of, you should have used a compressor so I could find out wether I was right or not.
Sounds to me like you were just playing around with the turntables. Well that's good. Keep practising. But stuff like this does not belong to newgrounds.
AH come on a ZERO ?! Come one dude. Well sure I didn't make the hugest changes, its pretty simple mixes, but your review is a bit harsh. I
Yeah at some point, it gets out of sync, but at the start I like it.
I got to work on that compressor thing though :S
Oh well, thanks anyway!
Marilyn Manson + Drum&Bass =
Holy frikin shit this is awesome! I just read the lyrics, I cant make up all of what youre singing, but thats not really a point:3
The song kind of starts off really simple but the rapping's out of sync a little, it could go everywhere from that. The talking builds up in tension and ends up in a big scream of "Muffins!", which is an incredible awesome grunt supported by awesome energetic Drum&Bass. After that there's some more talking which I cant make out of what hes saying at all! XD Was this your voice btw? Its frikin awesome!
Enjoyable from start to end!
It's not my voice, actually - it's CyriltheWolf's throat. haha
I made the instrumental first and put out the call for vocals on the forums, and he responded! It sounds awesome, eh?
Thanks for the revies, man!
Is this perhaps what they call Electro-Industrial?
Havent written you a review in a while.
Nice start, great moodsetting. It takes techno turn right after the intro, and gets a video game edge as you keep listening. Its as if this song style throughout the song. It would serve great for a flashgame!
This song has some great drums, although they seem to hold back in overal power. But that would have felt a little out of place with the videogame atmosphere youve mixed through I think. Not sure, maybe its just the quality of the song.
Anyway, I liked it man! ^-^
Thanks Whirlguy!
This song tells too much of a story to be used in a game. Too many different sections, like most of my music...It should most definatly be used though, somewhere, somehow, in whichever plane of exsistence, it should be there.
Just put up an image of Bender doing the Robot to this and the flash is destined for gold.
Oh I like! <3
Ahrr this is the best!
Fat sawwy bass, catchy beats(:
Are those squares playing chords in the background? They give a real nice toutch!
Those synths in the background give it something rapid and energetic.
I like<3
Best loop ever =D
Lols, thanks! It's great to have your support :)
That was absolutely epic!
I heard the original maybe once or twice. I recognized the song right away though. I love the lyrics! "Im not even capslocked" Fucking amazing! XD
Nice work on the guitar playing! The mic wasnt really of quality though. Thats a shame. You have a nice voice, and there was nothing wrong about your singing. But I guess this was like a live act, and had these little flaws, but thats ok^-^
The band that started playing in the background could have been a bit louder. But I guess it has to do with the live recording, right?
I really enjoyed listening to this song! ^-^
The truth is, I didn't do any guitar playing. The background music is the original song by Valve, with GlaDOS's voice edited almost completely out, so that my voice could take its place. As for mic quality, I blame the "air puffs" on myself, and I likely could have taken more careful notice of when those occurred. For a first attempt, though, I think it came out well.
Truth be told, "I'm not even CAPS LOCKED" is by far my favorite line as well. I don't know why, it just is.
Good job!
Lol I never knew the original game, Ive only seen parodies about n***a stole my bikeXD I turned on this song and as far as I know the original, this song sounds ALOT like it. Correct me if Im wrong, I thought the snair in the beginning had a little more power in the original. Anyway, it changed over to a part that I didnt recognize because of its power, yet it stayed very VG! I think you should have put more attention on making the reversed crash sound more VG though^-^;
Originality: Never heard a remix of this before, I like it:3
Diversity: You kept the diversity great, some panning, and a great switch. The ending was a bit abrubt, what you could have done, was make a transition to the beginning, so it loops. Best thing to do sometimes, when you try recreating a gameremix^-^
Critism: Just a few things that needed a little more time, but I think you did an awesome job(:
You're right about the original 8-bit snare sounding more powerful -- the original was actually much more powerful sounding (all in all) than mine, but I still came quite close to recreating it.
I don't really think there was a need to make the reverse crash sound more VG because you can't really do that... I guess I understand what you mean, but I like it the way it is.
I had actually considered just ending it by looping back to the original, but decided against it because I just really liked the way it ended. It just kind of fizzes out.
I understand all of your criticisms, and most of them were considered (and even tested). I made the choice to make the song this way because I liked the way it turned out.
I figured if I ever decide to make a loop out of it, I would only loop the modern (my mix) part so it could be easily used in a Flash game (probably a boxing game :P).
Thanks for the good review :)
I dont see how someone can think this song sucks.
As you can hear, I personally love it. Its happyyy =D I like the lyrics, and of course the music. Very nice happy bright synths rushing through the corners of my speakers, something I really love^-^ The singer is great, and the drums fit in so well! I also like how it starts of with the bass, a really cool bass I must say! I love saw sounds(:
Originality: Original? Yeah! I looove sweet melodies. Well, I listen to almost any kind of music, but this genre is.. one of those things that brightens your mood and fills you with energy. You captured that so well!
Diversity: I love how you composed this from start to end.
Critism: None really. I love it!
I like the synths in the corners too! Nowadays, I try to use the whole stereo field.
The bass is hand-made! I made it with FreeAlpha and ran it through PulseWidth Modifier a bit, both free VST plugins. Now YOU can make your very own bass!
Happy songs are always refreshing in this sea of emo techno. :-)
Thanks for the review!
Oh noez, no more further ratingsD: lol
Lovely start! The beats sound awesome. The rapping in the beginning sounds really good aswell, although I cant hear what hes saying, but thats ok, that makes it even better I guess:P I love the 8-bit likeness of this song. Very experimental.
Ho' Shit!
They took away the further ratings LOL!
Now what do I do? lol
Well, something bothered me about those anyway. Ill do it my own way^-^
Originality: I find it quite original. It sounds exotic in some way, mixed with a clubfeel and 8bit sounds.
Diversity: I can tell you had a lot of work on this. Although the main song could switch up a little.
Advice: Thats a hard oneO.o Im not really of this genre.. How about getting it into an echoey part with hardly any drums, where you experiment with the 8 bit sounds, like.. long notes with an attack on it. Or others where you play the notes while playing with the release knob? I dont know, but I guess youll figure out yourself:3 I hope it helped you:P
ta for the extensive review... glad u enjoyed it, maybe there'll be a finished version some day
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/21/03