
100 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Pretty good stuff IIAydinIIJewelz123II. The British accent does this song a world of good! If there's anything to criticize it would be the chorus. Not only is the asynchronous singing in ensemble with that wet synth a little wonky, but the lyrics are painfully simplistic. So much so that it ruins all the jokes for me. A shame that is, because I really like how much work went into the verses. The bass also stops playing during the chorus, making it sound like something's missing. The mix and instrumentation are pretty good. The drums and sfx are nice too and I love the arpeggiated bassline. I can tell a lot of work went into this and I think this could be a fantastic song if not for those few details.

Aydin-Jewelz123 responds:

Appreciate the feedback dude! The verses did turn out suprisingly well but the chorus just felt so far out of my element with the vocals, I weren't sure what to do with it. Will definitely focus more effort on the chorus for next time :)

I think I listened to this on loop 4 hours straight. Absolutely stunning... Those graceful chords create an amazing ambience. The whole thing reminded me of Clannad, though this impresses me a lot more. The reverb is pretty damn cool on its own and does an outstanding job at complimenting your beautiful voice. This should be on frontpage if you ask me.

headphoamz responds:

4 hours?! Shucks Whirl, thanks so much. You make me blush. ^-^


(W)ah! Slap that (b)ass!
How's that for an opening?
I like how you went all bloodhound gang from there on out. The dirty words, perfectly timed along with the beat, accompanied by the lyrics made for pretty damn funny song. Great voice acting there, lol.

I can't help but feel that a slower tempo would have worked out better here, maybe throw an electric piano in there somewhere, but maybe I've got the wrong idea. The vocals could lose a little on the low ends, gaining a little more in the high ends. You might also want to make sure we can all clearly hear the guy's reaction when he enters the wrong hole. Good luck in the competition!

RyeGuyHead responds:

I made this in two days under surveillance in the computer lab at school...needless to say, there is much left undone on the mastering side of things.

I personally think this song is a minute longer than the content can take it. When I get a MAC and Logic Studio for myself(tomorrow?), I can spend more time on it.

Thanks for the kind words Whirlguy!

Quirky :3

I really like this song, mostly because you did nothing to cover up the fact that it's been made with Fruityloops. Rather, this song seems to proudly expose it's origin. I must say this would be great as an official Fruityloops Demosong since it takes you through a wide variety of possibilities. What's more, this song makes Fruityloops seem like an amazing program to work with. I'm not very charmed by the sound of the fruity Slayer, but then again this song wouldn't be complete without it either. A great composition. Your song has definitely found a spot on my list of favourites from the competition.

eatmeatleet responds:

Thanks! PRoducing it was a pleasure as it was rolling so nice xD

Funkalicious! :D

Ha, been thinking of buying a talkbox myself some time ago. A friend of mine actually bought one, they're pretty hard to use aren't they? Not only does the tube keep falling from your mouth, but it's actually hard to pronounce the words, right? You've done an astounding job at that. What brand did you use btw?

Song's funky as hell and loops very naturaly. Awesome job, it's probably my favourite song in the competition (:

snayk responds:

It takes a bit of practice and it's not for everyone, but I actually picked it up pretty fast. I don't have any problem with the tube falling out of my mouth anymore (I did at first), and I feel like like I'm got the pronunciation down pretty good. I have a Rocktron Banshee.

Glad you liked the tune, man. I also love yours. Best of luck in the competition. Thanks for the review!

Happy Up Here :3

The beat, the bass, the happiness... This reminds me a lot of Röyksopp! Well, their song "Happy Up Here" anyway. The build up at the beginning is very nice, and the bouncy beat is already great. But I have to say that once the bass comes in, it brings the whole song perfectly together. I must add that I like your wide diversity in instruments here, and how you managed to still make it sound very electronic-like.

One little downside I must add, there may be a little too much compression going on, still kind of fits the song though. I don't really mind. I adore this song!

Soundshifter responds:

thank you very much :) i'm sorry if there was slightly too much compression as i tend to love compression. however, my dad recommends against to much compression too. i'm glad you nevertheless liked it anyway. :)

Wow it's finally finished! =D

This version of the CTSG obviously had great planning involved, all of the artists worked together so well! There's on thing that's been bothering me a little. From 0:00 to 2:57 it was all kind of stuck in just one genre. I always thought diversity was an essential need in the CTSG project, so yeah. Still FUCKING AWESOME guys =D

The intro is great, not so sure about EchozAurora's part though. In my opinion it was a little too energetic and the transition wasn't all that great either. But hey, the song does build up kind of slow so a little bit of movement wouldn't be out of place. And it still is the CTSG afteral, might seem a lot more fitting along with the animation. Besides, jrhager did a splendid job following up on Echoz's part.
Nav's part drops dead, followed up by some great chords which remain in SBB's and Soluslunes' parts. I guess it takes away the diversity a little, but I still like it a lot!
Unexpected but awesome is Sorohanro's part, who in my opinion saved this collaboration and the CTSG's name at the same time, simply by keeping it diverse.
Is the song finished now?
No wait...!
Lashmush suddenly drops in. It sounds awesome, yet... How unexpected... What a horrible transition... :/
Not really! If this were just a regular song, yes! I would agree. But this is the CTSG Animation Edition, harhar! This song will be great as an unexpected, powerful ending. And when done right, it'll be seriously epic!

Guys, you're my heroes.

SolusLunes responds:

Speaking of which- YOU WILL ANIMATE A PART, YES?

I'm going to try and whore this out to the flash forum shortly. And Lashmush's ending is pure awesome. :D

I hope this helps (:

The intro is spectacular! The buildup is great and I loved the effect you have used there. It's grand! Maybe the intro took an itty bit too long, but it was good. And it was atleast a little disapointing that ther part following up on it wasn't very powerfull.

I think you should have sped up the bassline right when the intro ends. This song could have used a little variation in the chords aswel, it gets a little dull after 8 minutes. The kick wasn't powerful enough in overall and I can barely hear the snare. If I may do a suggestion, I'd try to find something to replace your Fruityloops drumsamples to create more of your own sound. The strings sound a little sharp and loud. Maybe you should lower the cut a little and keep them more in the background, perhaps add a chorus to it and turn up the release a little. But don't take my word for it. The ending to this song is just splended. Great job!

Other than that I don't think there's much to tell you. Synplant was a great buy and I think you'll be making a lot more awesome music with it ;)
I hope this was atleast a little helpful :3

WritersBlock responds:

Thanks Whirlguy. You know the dealio with my album, and I'd probably do a lot of chopping and changing to my songs, in which case, a lot of these criticisms will be very handy. At the least, you've pointed out some parts that could use some brushing up. Thanks a lot, man, what a well crafted and attractive review you have written here. <3

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