Swamp. Mountain. Ocean. Canyon. Hurry...
Wow! Using the guitar for this song is the best! You go Mikau! Coolest would have been if you used all the instrument: ocarina, guitar pipes and drums.. Wouldnt have sound as good as this tho:P
OR: 8, this made me realize something. I LOOVE this song, but I never heared a remix of this song before..
DI: 10, hmmn yes, you could have put in some improvising parts of piano(that what i wouldve done to make it longer).. heheh makes me think of the mask man:P
CL: 8, at the beginning of the electric guitar it begins to sound weird and I hear sounds that you probably did not even put in the songO_o
EF: 8, Nonetheless great effort.
OV: 8, I wouldve liked some improvising, thats all