Nice for an Action Movie on ng
I feel for making music these days:P Its all a mix of all im capable of. But meh, back to the song. AS my title said, really nice for an action movie. Im talking of a serious one, like on tv shows. Cartoon, and if not possible real movie. Serious:)
The strings were muffled, why am i telling this? well they were very nice with this track. A certain someone on ng who is really good with progressions, is trying to redo this with better progressions(was this a secret?). Ive heared a bit of that. And much respect for his knowledge of progresions and stuff, but i liked the strings in this one more because they just fit.
And Monkeybullman his review said:"but i think the string melody is a little weak and needs to be louder and u should maybe try adding a high melody line to give the trk some direction." I;m not really agreeing with this. If you ever think of editing this, and youa dd voices. It would be the best as you have it now. If you ever come to know someone who would like to do that for you, get pen, paper, write a text and dont skip your chance!
"Well, I´m not totally satisfied with the mastering... I might add vox and re-master." sometimes coincidences just turn out good^^
- Whirlguy