My last possible chance to make a Newspost in 2009, so here we go.
I heard there's quite a bit of quarreling over what the '00 are going to be called. Personally I like the noughties, but not everyone agrees. As for '10, I heard twenty-ten is pretty popular. I like the sound of "the deecies" though. I made that one up myself. Got to love how naughty and decence contradict eachother :P
Boy the year went by fast. Too fast even. Loads of things happened. I think I'm gonna miss 2009. Nonetheless, I'm gonna make sure I have a great time tonight, celebrate the future and stuff. Any resolutions? Sure. I want to improve on my animations and music. Then post those works here on ng for all to see. I'm also planning to get my driverslicense.
Oh and happy days dude, Steam has been dishing out great offers lately. I've bought Audiosurf for 2.50EU, Bioshock after that for just 5.00EU, and my latest purchase was Max Pain 1 and 2 for 3,74EU. I'm a pretty happy guy right now =D
Earlier this year I started working on a song in honor of my mother. I decided to finish the song on her birthday, which is first Christmas day: 25th of December. I tried real hard, mixing it to the best of my ability and I ended up completing it in time. Even though she's dead now, she deserved this present for christmas. /298916
I'm not having any expectations for the next decade, but I do have my hopes up. I hope the financial crisis recovers, and the war in the middle east comes to an end. I wish for the third world countries to be more prosper, and never to see Lady Gaga on tv again. Happy new year to all of you!
Lady Gaga, It was acceptable in the noughties.