The animation for the Girl In A Room Collab II is doing pretty good so far! Here's progress:
[X] 01. Designs
[X] 02. Sketching scenes
[X] 03. Audio synchronization
[X] 04. Animating
[X] 05. Color, Shading and Style Choice
[X] 06. Backgrounds
[X] 07. Gradients, Masks and Filters
[X] 08. Final Audio Mix
[X] 09. Cleanup, Font Choice & Final Editing
The audio has all been synced in FL Studio. Next I need to apply panning, filters, and then master the shit out of that. Most of the volume control has been dealt with, so it should be pretty easy from here on out. I also need to go back to the animation to apply a bit of lipsyncing here and there. Don't have a lot of time today, but it should be finished in time if I work my ass off tonight and tomorrow. Excited!
Woot! Thanks for being a part of the collab, hope you had a blast.
Hell yeah, it was great to be part of this!