
Age 35, Male


Joined on 10/21/03

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Quick Update

Posted by Whirlguy - August 19th, 2014

I thought I'd make an update here. There's a couple of collabs I'm joining, neither of which I've actually started working on so far. There's the Sheep Collab, which'll be a day's worth of animating. And then there's the Girl In A Room Collab, which will be a bit longer. Girl In A Room is a horror initiative that started last year. The results should be very interesting. Also, tomorrow is the deadline for the NATA finals! I'm very excited about what StejkRobot and Butzboprud will be throwing our way.

I bought an Akai EIE Pro earlier this month by the way. Good buy, it's a real fun piece of hardware that lets me record stuff from my synthesizers. Finally. Music's such a joy :) The only downside is that its drivers are conflicting with my Sitecom N900 wireless usb device. I tried updating both devices but it still happens. Now, whenever I make music, I have to disable my internet first or else it'll crackle :/ Anyway, last month I had this rack set up for my synthesizers to sit on, so my studio has been taking shape quite nicely.

Earlier this week I reinstalled windows. Normally that'd be no sweat, since I have everything set up in several partitions; I just reinstal windows and be done with it. But this time it was different, since I have a partition set up for personal projects (such as music, animation, art projects, photoshops etc.) and it was getting full. In other words, I had to expand my disk space. All of that's done now, so expect new projects :)

Funny how everything you connect to a computer works on USB these days. I actually bought a PCI card with 4 extra ports on it (external USB-hubs are a bitch imo). Let's see, there's my mouse, keyboard, game controllers, audio interface, midi, external hdd, scanner and tablet. It was getting pretty full. In the future I'd like to use this computer only for music production and leasure activities such as gaming and surfing the internet. I'm planning to build a second computer for all other projects, such as flash, art, story writing, designing, etc. It won't have any access to the internet so that I can work without any distractions. Plus I want to put all my art tools there, such as the scanner, tablet, printer and traditional media tools.


Better a glut of USB than a bunch of oddball adapters, which require constant swapping about.

Congrats on building a full service production studio (minus video), The best rig I had, was pretty piss poor by today's standards, and not that crash hot back around 2000 either. It did teach me to be more innovative. I was kinda shocked to see a lot of optical/video tricks I reasoned out, were used by professionals long before I was born.

Cool, you mean that your tricks were old fashioned?

More like ancient, like before they even introduced sound into film. I found 2 books written in the 40's and 60's that listed all these film tricks and hints, but by that time, I was done with video :\

Ha, that's pretty great. I bet those film editing procedures have a very unique look about them. What made you quit filming in the first place? If I recall correctly, you worked at a tv station, right?

When cable TV got big here in the 1980's, they passed a law, saying for every 30 stations a cable company provides, there has to be at least 1 channel devoted for public use/access. Unfortunately a loophole in law let local officials negotiate with the cable providers... anyway, it wasn't a paid position I had there. I had to drive 45 minutes to get there, and use my cousin's address to register the show (you have to live in the the same area the cable company broadcasts in).

in 1999, both my videocameras got wetted in a storm heading West past Missouri. The Hi8 got fried, and the VHS camera eventually died after it's shutter started sticking, and the CCD lost a color.

Ugh, that sucks man. So eventually your equipment died and you gave up? Or was it something to do with those laws you mentioned?

Equipment died and I gave up. I tried using the studio cameras and equipment, but I took a second shift job, and I got scheduled for studio time in the mornings, right after rush hour when all the slow construction vehicles hit the road. The studio manager hated me from day one anyway... and using their editor was not an option for me, as it would either cut before or after where I had placed the timecode marker, by a couple of frames.

I used to borrow my buddy's editor and Hi8 to paste the show together with my old computer doing the audio mixing and effects, nothing special just Goldwave and Windows media player. I only got to do A/B rolls (two video sources synched playback) in editing suites, which are mad expensive, and mostly for music videos. In the studio I could do that on the fly, so long as I was in the control booth, and both cameras were locked up. I helped produce 3 shows for other people there, but no helped me with my show :(

Wow, so much went wrong at the same time there. The editing sounded tricky. Sucks that nobody helped you out there. Some gratitude... You still got those tapes correct? That's what you needed the camera for, am I right?

Yep, you got it. Once Bush Jr. stole the White House (probably not a bad thing considering how twisted Al Gore turned out to be) the economy went into a corner and hid. The guy I used to produce shows with at the studio slowly gave it up, as his wife from China finally made it here. Plus the internet was becoming mainstream (co-opted by commercialism), which made fringe cable channels even more irrelevant.

._. I wore a brown fedora in my VHS movie, so there's no rush to get that transferred lol. That got finished in 1996 I think, but it taught me lots and got me work afterwards...

Haha nice! My god, that's almost 20 years ago! Will you even be able to recognize yourself?

Sadly, yes. Almost looked like Tom Fuise in Born on the Forth of July; long hair, mustache, weird lids (hats)... I'd like to edit the fat out of that flick I made (Cannabis Happiness), see if any roses can bloom from the shit. Plus it'd be a great practical learning experience with whatever software I end up with... just sucks comparison shopping.