[NEW IN 2012]
Newgrounds kicked off the year with a fresh redesign. While the new look was nothing short of amazing, it took some getting used to. The new audio visualizers however, I immediately fell in love with! Then, a few months after the redesign was launched, everyone's favorite cat Sherbert passed away. A sad day in the history of this website. In real life, I moved out and didn't have internet for a while. That's when I opened flash and decided to mess around with actionscript 2.0. Since I'm used to javascript, I picked it up pretty quickly. I'm still not great at using it, but I did improve a lot since then! Apart from another attempt at making art for the NG calendar, I didn't do very much this year. I was however a bit restless and wanted to make stuff! I watched Scott Pilgrim The Movie during summer, and read the inspiring comics towards September. A couple of weeks later I was struck with a great concept for a story, and decided I should be making it into a comic. What followed was a lot of brainstorming.
I was meaning to create a serious album this year. I got pretty far in the making, but haven't finished it. The album title was going to be "What The Hell Was I Thinking", and would be entirely inspired by my delusions in 2006 (which partially thrived on the belief that the world would end in 2012). I was chasing after the feel of this song, and I must say I got very close to recreating the atmosphere of those days. I should really go and finish the rest of the album sometime.
> 2012