Working on a project when your laptop crashes.
Its no biggy.
Ive lost none of my work, and already did most. But I was supposed to work on better graphics, and there was a little part at the end that I still needed to fill up.
Not only that, but next Friday(22nd of Feb), Ive been surprised. Theres still room to go on wintersports with my causins for a week. Nice of course for me! =D But the project.. heh. Luckely I will still have plenty of time to work on my project once I am back, but first I will have to make sure my computer's gonna work..
So Im gonna work on it you guys =D
Also here´s what I made: /4258_yar.php
Im planning to revise all backgrounds, and draw them out in a different program. And of course, add an ending to it.