Well... a few days ago, he mentioned something about hacking together a MIDI out connection, I'll make it a point to inquire further! TBH, that old prick should get off his FLAC and HD laden ass, make an account here, and _____ :|
Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/21/03
Well... a few days ago, he mentioned something about hacking together a MIDI out connection, I'll make it a point to inquire further! TBH, that old prick should get off his FLAC and HD laden ass, make an account here, and _____ :|
Hahaha that would be great! Does he make music then? What type of stuff is he into?
Nah he's not a performer, just a listener, he's into Spanish music (even though he doesn't understand the lyrics), some prog rock, jazz, I guess being a sound man means you appreciate an array of talent. He's also an over 60 y/o, hyper drop-out baby boomer, who often gives me a headache about electronic details, I could care less about
Really scary time in the States about now, I'm scared to put out my Trump election sign. How's things by you?
Yeah the American election is pretty fucking crazy. Not much going on in my life right now tbh, how's life?
Dug a ditch today with my oldest cousin, went ok, still need to finish the pipework, but he's off to Massachusetts for the weekend, I might have it done by the time he gets back. Got about 6 kittens w/ blue eyes on my porch, and some of em bum rush my door to run around inside :O
Yeah the media and Hillary herself have been inciting violence against Trumpsters, most of it unreported and quite illegal... if she wins, it's much easier for America to fall, if Trump wins, there's at least a chance for a fresh start, a change in political underwear. Seems like the last real president we had was Kennedy, and the rest slowly sold us US citizens out to the highest bidder.
A ditch? What for? Are you building a fallout shelter? :P I just don't know which of these candidates is worse anymore tbh. Sure, Hillary's email server and the no flight zone show a lot of her political intentions, and I for one don't trust her. Then again, I feel like Trump has a lot to hide too. The actual difference seems to be that when you vote Hillary, you know what awful things are coming your way. With Trump you can't know. Those kittens sound very cute btw. Are they strays?
Not strays, they were gestated here. After the farm got sold, I had as many fixed as I could, and the rest either got eaten or pregnant. Not many places for them to hole up here, so they've been going further afield.
There was a dry well (tenants house next door) that took care of the kitchen sink and washing machine, but the cast iron line (after 50 years) has been flaking out, and likely the well itself has been surrounded by tree roots. I'd have loved to put much older versions of this in https://infiltratorwater.com/products-solutions/chambers but I'd have to fashion ends for them... I have some older versions my Pop and I used to use. Should really list the ones I have online, maybe someone can use them for a sci-fi set, just like DS9 and others have done....
This is the second of your 'life in music' posts that I've read, and it does make for some fascinating reading! It's hard to comment on any of the specifics, or even formulate a relevant follow-up question, since they're written so well O_0
Music really is a universal concept, and anyone serious into it, seems to follow similar paths, but achieve very different results.
I'm buddies w/ an audio electronics engineer, who specializes in operating and repairing 20th century gear... he owes me, and has some choice gear. Might hit him up for a high end tuner or a pre-amp.... something to wash digital music through
Ha, didn't expect anyone to read all this. It's quite a lug of text with terms and product names I'd assume most people don't care much for. Truthfully, I'm processing a lot of details while I write these things, sometimes brainstorming and other times carefully reading things over to splice out bits of text I deem not worth mentioning. Truthfully I'm overdoing it haha. Speaking of writing things, I should really get back to finishing the last piece.
I don't know too many musician stories but my own, to be honest. I sometimes come across a good interview here on Newgrounds though. Being friends with an audio electronics engineer seems great. It's actually a dream of mine to mod a synthesizer, or create my own custom midi controller from scratch.