No matter the discipline, everyone has a creative side they employ, but maybe the reasons for doing so are different for everyone...
Really nice guy who's all about the story and the emotional release it brings, just from making them... such as they are.
Huh, you basically made a screenplay from your life, or rather, a very heavy character bio... I actually recommended something similar to a friend of mine. For me, introspection the early years was crucial, and damn, there was a lot of it. Words my parents and friends told me just did not register in my brain... it had to be learned step by painful step. By the time I hit my late 20's, I pretty much figured 'it' out, all those differently perceived emotions everyone else had.... but me.
Whirlguy (Updated )
Ha, screenplay. Not a word I'd choose to describe all of this, but I see what you mean. The "My Reasons To Create" section is very much fueled by my personal philosophy, motivation and inspiration. Inevitably, there was some psychology involved. If I were to write an autobiography though, it would look very different. I mainly tried to focus on arts and animation here.
The "social rulebook" can be pretty tricky yeah. It was actually quite nice to be oblivious of my behavior for a long time. I'm glad I found out though. It's been educative and I feel I'm much better off this way. I'm not sure whether I'm ever going to figure "it" all out, but I think I'm getting pretty close. I find that people in their 20's are generally more relaxed and accepting than teenagers were, and that plays a big role too :)